Monday 3 September 2012

NOTD: 365 Days of Color Darya

Hey everybody!  Did everyone enjoy their day off work??  I know I did!  I did my nails early this morning in the lovely morning sunshine.  Then Tyler dragged me to the gym earlier this afternoon .. which kinda sicked because the gym we go to is kinda ghetto and doesn't have A/C, so you sweat from body parts you don't realize can sweat...  (Sorry for the visual!)

Anywho, today I have for you Darya from 365 Days of Color.  This was a complete surprise polish for me, Sunny included this in my order that I received last week, check out the haul here.

I decided because this is a glitter in a completely clear base I would try it over both white and black to see what it looked like over both!

Darya is a stunning teal/aquamarine glitter with large and small square glitters in a completely clear base so it doesn't effect the colour you put it over.  I like this because you don't have to "coordinate" the polish colour with the glitter polish base colour, it will look great over anything!

I don't know if I prefer it over white or black, I think both combinations look great!  You can see the smaller glitter better with the white background, but on the black it looks like a really starry night sky :D

If you can get your hands on this glitter, I highly recommend you do it.  I checked when I discovered that Sunny included this with my order and it isn't in her shop, so I'm not sure if it's "up and coming" or if it's from an older, discontinued collection.  Sunny, if you sent this to me for review, thank you so much for the opportunity and I would love to do reviews for your polish any time! ;D

*EDIT*  Sunny confirmed that Darya is from a discontinued collection, so it might be hard to find.

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