Friday, 14 September 2012

NOTD: Dollish Polish 3 Best Friends Anyone Could Have

Hi-de-ho everyone!  I'm so glad it's Friday!  I get to spend the day with my baby Owen, snuggled on the couch watching some TV, and painting my nails of course, while Tyler's at work :D  I love mommy-baby time!  (For those of you who are new here, firstly -- welcome!  Secondly, Tyler is my fiancĂ© and Owen is our beloved canine/tries-so-hard-to-be-human fur-baby.)  What does everyone have planned for today and the rest of the weekend?  I don't work today, but I have to work for a little bit tomorrow morning.  Other than that, the weekend is going to be spent with my happy little family :D

I have for you today swatches of Dollish Polish 3 Best Friends Anyone Could Have.  I LOVE this glitter!  I'm not big on glitter just because it's a pain in the tush to remove even with the foil method, however, for this I have made an exception.  Let's take a look!

So first things first.  This is one coat of glitter!  Yep, you read that correctly, ONE COAT!  I applied it over 2 coats of Julep Gunta which I received in my September Julep Maven Box and I will be putting up swatches after the Challenge, so I will discuss that polish then.

Back to 3 Best Friends Anyone Could Have -- this glitter is AMAZING, seriously, if you can get your hands on this, do it, you will NOT be disappointed.  Let's zoom in and really take a look at this!

In this creation you have silver microglitter, small and large silver hex glitter, medium light-ish blue hex glitter, and even a few silver bar glitter pieces!  This is an exciting polish!

Just a word of caution, this glitter may blind drivers in on-coming cars.  I was noticing while I was driving home when I was wearing this that the sunlight was reflecting off the glitters hardcore.  I was thinking "man if Owen was in the car he'd be all over me!"  Owen likes to chase shiny objects and laser lights so this polish would drive him bonkers!  I will have to be careful with it ;

If you love glitter, or even if you're not overly fussy about it like I am, you are going to love this glitter!  Make sure you stalk Dolly's Facebook page to find out when the next release is going to be :D


  1. Yup, I KNEW this would be stunning as soon as I saw the first photo. Bravo! Excellent combination!

    1. Thanks Sandra :D It's one of those polishes that I wish I could wear every day and that's saying a lot considering it's a glitter ;)

  2. I love this glitter. How do you tame your glitters so well? Mine always seem to want to curl up on me. This one looks perfect.

    1. I didn't have to do much work with this one, it was really easy to apply and stayed flat on my nail :) I think that with a lot of glitter polishes, it's about the quality of the glitters and the suspension base :)


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